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Thursday, August 29, 2013


Probably, you still remember one of my students, Nathanael. He has a lot of questions in his head. He always addresses me a question as I enter the classroom in the morning. Frankly to say, sometimes I'm so much clueless about the answer (grin). So, I encourage him to search the answer on internet and share to others via blog. Great! He does it indeed (smile).

Last Tuesday, he came to me and told me that he found information about sinusitis on a website. He was interested in it because he was once diagnosed from sinusitis and saved it in his notebook. He showed it to me and wished it to be posted in our blog.

This is the information he really wants to share with us.

The sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities in the skull. The largest sinus cavities are around an inch across; others are much smaller. The sinus cavities include:

• The maxillary sinuses (the largest), in the cheekbones.
• The frontal sinuses, in the low-center of the forehead.
• The ethmoid sinuses, between the eyes, at the nasal bridge.
• The sphenoid sinuses, in bones behind the nasal cavity.

The sinuses are lined with soft, pink tissue called mucosa. Normally, the sinuses are empty except for a thin layer of mucus.

The inside of the nose has ridges called turbinates. Normally these structures help humidify and filter air. The nose is divided in the center by a thin wall, called the septum. Most of the sinuses drain into the nose through a small channel or drainage pathway called the middle meatus.

The purpose of the sinuses is unclear. One theory is that sinuses help humidify the air we breathe in; another is that they enhance our voices.

Picture of the Human Sinuses

Sinus Conditions

  • Acute sinusitis (sinus infection): Viruses or bacteria infect the sinus cavity, causing inflammation. Increased mucus production, nasal congestion, discomfort in the cheeks, forehead or around the eyes and headaches are common symptoms.
  • Chronic sinusitis (or chronic rhinosinusitis): More than just a series of infections, chronic sinusitis is a persistent process of inflammation of the sinuses.
  • Allergic rhinitis: Allergens like pollen, dust mites, or pet dander cause the defenses in the nose and sinuses to overreact. Mucus, nasal stuffiness, sneezing, and itching result.
  • Deviated septum: If the septum that divides the nose deviates too far too one side, airflow can be obstructed.
  • Turbinate hypertophy: The ridges on the nasal septum are enlarged, potentially obstructing airflow.
  • Nasal polyps: Small growths called polyps sometimes grow in the nasal cavity, in response to inflammation. Asthma, chronic sinus infections, and allergic rhinitis can lead to nasal polyps.
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